EMERGENCY Management Software for Schools

Helping Make Schools a Safer Place to Learn

Emergency Management Software for Schools
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Be Ready for Any Emergency

Effectively manage drills, instantly notify first responders, accurately account for individuals and safely reunify families

What Our Customers Say


Manage and Track Your Drills

Prepare your school for any situation, track all drills, and eliminate compliance risks.

Manage and Track Your Drills

Create and Schedule

Schedule drills and track compliance based on state and district requirements.

Manage and Track Your Drills

Conduct and Manage

Receive automatic notifications before upcoming drills and initiate drills from any mobile or web-enabled device.

Manage and Track Your Drills

Track and Report

Quickly verify each building’s drill activity and compliance, monitor and report by building or drill type, and use reports to help prioritize future drill schedules.

Emergency Management - Manage and Track Your Drills

Learn and Improve

Analyze reports to see what is working and where you need to improve performance.

Activate your emergency response through app-based and wearable panic buttons


Alerting Options to Suit Your Needs

Wearable badges and the powerful Raptor Alert app connect you to the right help

By simply pressing a button on their wearable Raptor Alert badge, staff can send pre-configured alerts securely over a long-range LoRa network.

Initiate a mobile panic alert to instantly request help from wherever you are on campus. 

The person initiating the alert can connect to 911 directly via the mobile application, voice call, or, where available, text-to-911. The initiator can provide additional context and answer questions so 911 operators can better inform first responders. 

Exclusive collaboration between Raptor and RapidSOS provides enhanced communication and notification methods during active assailant emergencies. Priority routing and supplementary calls via a 911 priority trunk line ensure rapid response and coordination during critical incidents.

Situation-specific notifications are sent via text, phone, email, desktop notifications, and push notifications. Push notifications show and play audio even if the phone is in silent/do not disturb mode to help inform your staff an emergency is taking place. 

Seamlessly switch between campuses without worrying about reconfiguring your panic button. 

Multiple localized incidents such as fights or medical assistance can be initiated at the same time with Team Assist, sending targeted notifications to designated teams for an immediate response. 

Group chats within the app provide critical communication capabilities during an emergency, easing stress and directing resources efficiently. 

Raptor works closely with The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and is officially licensed to offer their Standard Response Protocols and Standard Reunification Method as part of our Emergency Management software.

“I Love U Guys” Foundation

Raptor Alert Silent Panic Alert
Emergency Management Software for Schools - Team Assist


Get Help for Localized Incidents

Every day, staff encounter emergencies requiring a local response, such as a medical situation, a fight in the hallway or an injured student on the playground. Raptor Team Assist, which operates in the same manner as Raptor Alert, provides configurable alert types for localized incidents as well as their own distribution lists. For example, for an injured student on the playground, a distribution list would likely include the school nurse.

Raptor Team Assist - Efficiently Direct Resources ​

Efficiently Direct Resources

Configure Team Assist incident types and notification lists according to your specific needs

Raptor Team Assist - Communicate with the Right People

Communicate with the Right People

Predefined lists ensure you have the right people notified and ready to assist

Raptor® Connect

Activate All Your Safety Technologies From a Single Point

Raptor Connect gives schools the power to initiate multiple emergency response mechanisms from a single point. This capability reduces the number of individual digital activations required during an emergency. Raptor Connect streamlines a school’s digital emergency response activations, speeding notifications and minimizing the impact of the situation. Our ecosystem of partners covers a wide range of peripherals helping schools take full advantage of their digital emergency response technologies.
Raptor Connect - A Complete Ecosystem of Safety

Critical Incident Mapping –
the Benefits of a Common Operating Picture 

Collaborative Response Graphics® (CRGs®) from Critical Response Group prepare first responders for more effective command and control when responding to unfamiliar locations. The technology goes well beyond an interactive floor plan by putting the identical mapping solution in standard use by public safety organizations across the country in the hands of first responders and school personnel simultaneously.


Account for the Location and Status of Everyone​

Emergency Management - Account for Everyone

Account for

Teachers and staff confirm the status and location of themselves, students, and—if using Raptor Visitor Management—visitors on campus."

Stay Updated in Real-Time

Stay Updated in Real-Time

Know the precise location and status of each student, staff member, and visitor in real time.

Assist Injured Persons Faster

Assist Injured Persons Faster

Enable first responders to know where they’re needed most by giving them access to the details, medical conditions, and locations for all individuals.


Reunify Students Safely With Their Guardians

School Emergency Management Software - Raptor Reunification Software
Reduce the Trauma of a Crisis

Reduce the Trauma of a Crisis

Comprehensive in-app workflow, licensed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, supports the roles and activities of an effective reunification.

Document Every Individual's Status

Document Every Individual's Status

Track every individual's status change and generate a detailed history of events for post-incident reporting.

Eliminate Inaccuracy & Reduce Liability

Eliminate Inaccuracy & Reduce Liability

Ensure proper chain of custody when students are reunified with approved guardians including a digital record of the guardian’s signature and a timestamp for each reunification.

Reunify Students Safely With Their Guardians - Reduce Reunification Time

Reduce Reunification

Replace handwritten processes with instant mobile communications and record-keeping.



Strengthen Staff Readiness with Expert-Led Emergency Training

Prepared staff make all the difference in a crisis. Staff Compliance Training, powered by PublicSchoolWORKS (PSW), delivers online emergency management training developed by experts to help ensure staff are equipped and ready for any emergency.

Empower staff to confidently navigate lockdowns, active threats, and localized incidents like medical situations with comprehensive online training that complies with state and federal requirements while reinforcing district safety protocols. PSW Staff Compliance Training gives administrators a seamless way to verify staff completion and readiness through automated tracking and reporting. This capability helps ensure compliance and a well-prepared school community. When every second counts, make sure your team is ready.

Stories & Testimonials

Hear what some of our customers have to say

District Reduces Reunification Time by 75%

More than 240 participants, including students, parents, school staff, police, fire, EMS, and media, took part in two reunification exercises on the same day for the district.

The first reunification was done using the Raptor system. Every student was reunited with their parent in less than 20 minutes.

The second reunification was conducted with paper-and-pencil forms and walkie-talkie communications. It took nearly an hour and a half to reunify the same parents and students.

Faster with Raptor
0 x
PK-12 Students
“The advantages of the Raptor® system over standard paper-and-pencil processing were obvious,” said Parks. “Simultaneous communications and the ability to give multiple incident leaders updated status reports in an instant — the ability to monitor status without a lot of confusing chatter — plus the accountability: we knew where resources were needed, and the app freed personnel to be shifted appropriately. And of course, the command center could see it all.”
Christopher Parks
Resource Officer, Brighton (MI) High School
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See why Raptor is the leading provider of integrated school safety software solutions