Raptor Guides

Best Practices to Keep Your Schools Safe

Raptor Guides

This guide aims to shed light on the urgency of proactive mental health measures in educational institutions.

This guide emphasizes the importance of a proactive approach to mental health and safety.

Streamline Safety and Security Demands on School IT Departments

Strategies to Recognize, Document, and Support Students in Distress.

Best Practices to Streamline Your Volunteer Program.

Collaborating with public safety improves school emergency preparation, response, and recovery.
Purchasing school safety software with grants starts with finding the right grant and writing a winning application.

Responding and recovering from a severe weather event starts with creating a plan to keep everyone safe.

Best practices for year-round safety. This guide helps you best leverage visitor management to its fullest potential.

Strategies for ESSER funding to protect your school. Let us help your district access these federal programs so you can focus on school safety. 

Proven strategies to protect your school. This guide positions you to design the best school emergency management approach.