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Henrico County School District

Raptor Volunteer Management Enhances Safety and Efficiency in Henrico County School District

In this case study, we’ll review the challenges the district faced—and how Raptor worked with their team to overcome them.
Visitor Management System for Schools
“Raptor has streamlined the volunteer management process. The volunteer coordinator at each school can check the online queue and easily review applications. The batch printing saves a lot of time on field day. Now, field day volunteers sign in through Raptor and are checked against the sex offender database, giving us this extra layer that they’re all being vetted every single time. It’s just a phenomenal process.”

John Casullo, Director of School Safety, Henrico County School District

The Challenge

Manual Processes and Safety Concerns

Before the implementation of Raptor Volunteer Management, the Henrico County School District’s (HCSD) volunteer coordinators were burdened with maintaining paper applications in binders and manually checking each applicant against the sex offender registry. The process for verifying volunteers met all safety regulations but was time-consuming and cumbersome, particularly for schools with a high volume of applications. They wanted an extra layer of protection—and to streamline the process.

Lengthy Lines at Events for Volunteer Sign-in

The district aimed to bolster its campus safety by implementing robust procedures for volunteer verification. This included the urgent need for real-time screening against sex offender registries to prevent individuals with potential risks from gaining access to school premises.The existing system for volunteer sign-in, especially during large events such as field days, required volunteers to line up at the door for check-in. The lines created bottlenecks in foot traffic as staff worked to verify all volunteers before entry.

Improve Data Transparency to Improve the Volunteer Program’s Efficiency

The manual processes made it difficult to keep up with the demand and required a significant amount of time and resources from the volunteer coordinators. This, in turn, made it difficult to analyze the program’s resource needs. The HCSD volunteer coordinators needed insight into their volunteer program to better allocate resources for a more efficient program.

How Raptor Volunteer Management Helped

Streamlined Application Review and Background Checks

Raptor Volunteer Management transformed the volunteer coordination process by allowing the volunteer coordinator at each school to easily review applications in the online queue. This significantly saved time and effort, ensuring that all volunteers were properly vetted against the sex offender database before participating in any school activity.

Automated Safety Training

The introduction of a mandatory safety video for all approved volunteers ensured that they were well-informed of the school’s safety protocols and procedures. Embedding this video in the approval email automated the process, relieving front office staff from the responsibility of tracking who completed the training.

Efficient Reporting Tools

“The reporting in Raptor Volunteer Management has been great for a variety of reasons. It helps track hours for people who track volunteer hours for work or school, for example. And with field trips, we’re able to pull up an approved list of volunteers and hand that report to the teachers.”
John Casullo, Director of School Safety at Henrico County School District

Raptor’s reporting tools proved instrumental in tracking volunteer hours for those who needed to record their time for work or school purposes. Also, the ability to generate approved volunteer lists for activities like field trips streamlined the process for teachers and staff, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

The Results

  • Streamlined Volunteer Management: The transition to Raptor Volunteer Management has made the volunteer application and vetting process more efficient and secure.
  • Enhanced Safety Protocols: With mandatory safety training and rigorous background checks, the district has heightened the safety and security of its volunteer programs.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: The reporting tools and batch printing features have saved significant time for school staff, making the management of large-scale events and activities much smoother.

The Henrico County School District’s experience with Raptor Volunteer Management underscores the software’s ability to streamline volunteer background checks and training processes while significantly increasing the safety and security of volunteering programs. The district’s Director of School Safety, John Casullo, encapsulates the sentiment felt across the board: “I’ve literally had people hug me when I’ve been at a school because we switched to Raptor Volunteer Management.”

Raptor Volunteer Management enhances the operational efficiency of managing volunteers and ensures that schools can maintain a safe environment for students and staff. Through this partnership, Henrico County School District has set a precedent for other districts seeking to improve their volunteer management processes and safety protocols.

Henrico County School District Volunteer Management Usage

  • Volunteer Sign-Ins this School Year: 15,942
  • Volunteer Sign-Ins since 2020: 35,002
Henrico County School District serves 48,949 students across 75 schools and program centers. Henrico is Virginia’s sixth-most populous locality, and HCPS is the commonwealth’s sixth largest public-school division.
  • Manual Processes and Safety Concerns
  • Lengthy Lines at Events for Volunteer Sign-in
  • Improving Data Transparency to Improve the Volunteer Program’s Efficiency
  • Streamlined Application Review and Background Checks
  • Automated Safety Training
  • Efficient Reporting Tools

Keep Your Schools Safe With Raptor