Inability to notify specific teams for specialized incidents
Lack of direct communication between response teams
Lack of tracking of localized incident responses
“One of our most used Team Assist, is Student is Missing. It automatically notifies our roaming teachers or security staff as well as administrators so they can keep an eye on each situation. If a missing student incident ever goes beyond 30 minutes and our staff members are still unable to locate the student, we begin the escalation process. During this time, we rely heavily on the two-way messaging feature to communicate updates with each other.” Officer Craig Scheel, SRO at Colchester Public School District
Every day, staff encounter emergencies requiring a local response, such as a medical situation, a fight in the hallway or an injured student on the playground. Raptor Team Assist, which operates in the same manner as Raptor Alert, provides configurable alert types for localized incidents as well as their own distribution lists. For example, for an injured student on the playground, a distribution list would likely include the school nurse.
The Team Assist feature within Raptor Alert gives teachers and staff the power to request help for situations like student fights, irate visitors, or medical incidents. This sends alerts to a pre-determined group of staff and enables those involved to chat through group messaging.
And, critically, because Raptor Team Assist operates in the same manner as Raptor Alert, your staff won’t have to learn a new platform for everyday emergencies.
Everyday situations can escalate quickly without the presence of the appropriate personnel to identify and resolve the issue. The Team Assist feature within Raptor Alert gives teachers and staff the power to request help for situations like student fights, irate visitors, or medical incidents. This sends alerts to a pre-determined group of staff and enables those involved to chat through group messaging.
Group chats in Team Assist consisting of designated response teams ease stress and build confidence during an emergency by providing critical communication capabilities during the situation.
Example use case:
When a student was unable to communicate due to their distress, their teacher initiated a Team Assist. A staff member with a good relationship with the student saw the alert and was able to respond. “It allows people to self-identify if they are the resources we need. These staff members go, we leave the event open, and if they need extra support, then everybody else in a position to provide that support would be in the know.” Officer Craig Scheel, SRO at Colchester Public School District
“Now that we heavily utilize the Raptor Alert Team Assist feature, we have specific staff members assigned to each type of Team Assist at each school, which gives us better visibility to what is pending, who is responding to it, and how long it remained active before someone closed it out.”
Because requests for assistance are documented within the Team Assist chat, CPSD staff have insight into the status of localized incidents, enabling them to direct resources and personnel response more effectively.
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