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RAPTOR VISITORSAFE™ Visitor Management Software for Schools

The Flexible, Low-Cost Way of Managing Visitors

VisitorSafe™ Visitor Management Software for Schools

Record-Breaking Week

Over 1 Million Daily School Visitor Sign-Ins

Learn more about how we achieved this milestone and our ongoing efforts to keep schools safe.

Reimagine the Visitor Experience

Leap-frogging today’s solutions, Raptor VisitorSafe™ Visitor Management System capitalizes on ultra-modern conveniences backed by high-tech security to create entirely new opportunities for schools to welcome their communities with efficiency and peace of mind.

What Our Customers Say

Unmatched Security

Raptor VisitorSafe adopts technologies from highly secure industries such as banking and finance to authenticate a visitor's identity.

By digitally verifying that the visitor and the person on the ID document are the same, building administrators gain a higher degree of confidence that their staff and students are safe.

Additionally, each visitor is automatically screened against two database types:

  • The registered sex offender databases that Raptor maintains and keeps up to date for all 50 U.S. states and territories
  • Any number of customized databases created by each school or District. This can include banned/restricted visitors, custody issues, individuals with restraining orders, and more.

A match against any database instantly alerts the attendant and any number of additional staff for prompt attention and resolution.

Visitor Management System for Schools
Visitor Management System for Schools - Security and Efficiency

Flexible Configurations

Raptor VisitorSafe adapts to your needs for a smooth, frictionless visitor experience.

  • Deploy Anywhere: With minimal, Bluetooth technology schools can create sign-in and sign-out stations anywhere.
  • Manage Personas: Easily configure VisitorSafe to accommodate staff and students as well as volunteers and contractors. Streamline the process and capture the information you need for any type of person entering and exiting your buildings.

Effectively Manage Student and Staff Activity

Simplify record-keeping and processing of late arrivals and early dismissals as well as staff comings and goings.

Visitor Management System for Schools

Sync with SIS

Continuous syncing ensures critical information about students and staff is up to date.

Late Arrivals

Ensure accurate records and easily process late arrivals with customizable reasons and configurable thresholds.

Early Dismissals

Allows approved guardians to check out students for early dismissal, keeping a record for school administration.

Track Staff Activity

Track staff and district-wide employees for consistent records of substitutes, staff and itinerant teacher sign-ins.


Related Resources

Case Study

Raptor Helps Ropes ISD Close Communication Gaps


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