Raptor and The “I Love U Guys” Foundation Together Reunification Exercise

The Ultimate Reunification Training Program for K12 Schools

Raptor Reunification Software Training Program

We’ve Got You

Welcome to the Together Reunification Exercise (T-REx), a reunification training program brought to you by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and Raptor Technologies. 

One of the most intimidating aspects of emergency planning and preparedness is reunification. Since there are any number of reasons a school building may become unsafe, it’s not a question of if, but when, you will need to enact your reunification plan. So, let’s do this…together. 

What Our Customers Say

The Best of Both

As leading providers of crisis response and safety software, our partnership aims to integrate our practical methodologies and software offerings to provide schools with the tools they need to learn, practice and perform accountable reunifications.

The T-REx program combines The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s widely adopted Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM) with Raptor’s patented Reunification software that is aligned with and licensed by the Foundation. Together, we offer a fully integrated training program for K12 schools, leveraging both methodologies and software applications.

Two Days & Two Instructors

T-REx is a two-day training program that combines The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s popular Standard Reunification Method – Reunification Exercise (SRM-REx) program using traditional paper and pencil, with supporting content and technology-based exercises provided by Raptor.

Agenda Day 1

Intros & OverviewSRM Case Studies
SRP ClassroomSRM Team Building
SRP & Raptor ResourcesPaper Walk-through
Incident Command SystemRaptor Walk-through
 What to Expect on Day 2

Agenda Day 2

Full-scale Exercise 1: Paper / Debrief
Full-scale Exercise 2: Technology / Debrief
Full-scale Exercise 3: Technology / Debrief
Full-scale Exercise 4: Technology / Debrief


The T-REx program combines the methodology of the Standard Reunification Method and the technology of the Raptor Reunification app. Instructors from both organizations conduct the training in a way that seamlessly ties it together.
Yes. Schools will do the first exercise using paper and pencil to ensure everyone understands the methodology and can follow it properly. Then we’ll use the app to complete three more exercises.
Your Raptor sales representative can help you or fill out the form. Our professional services team will work with you to coordinate the dates for your session.