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Parkland 1 Year Later – What Happened and What We Learned

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Welcome everyone and thank you for joining today’s Webinar hosted by raptor technologies. I’m Shannon Gonzalez with raptor and I will be facilitating today’s presentation and discussion. This webinar of the raptor school safety series is entitled Parkland one year later what happened and what we learned in this Webinar. Mr Schachter will share details of the events that took place on February 14th, 2018 along with key lessons learned to help our nations school following Mr Chapter’s presentation. We will here briefly from Clayton Dorsett regional director here at raptor who will provide us with a quick overview of the raptor solutions available to support your school safety initiatives and then we’ll move into the live Q and a so as you have questions, feel free to enter them into the question box at any time. Also, you will receive a copy of this webinar in your email following the presentation in case you’d like to refer back to it.

As many of you know who have previously joined us for the Raptor School Safety Webinar series, there is no one singular end all be all solution for school safety. Our goal through this series is to encourage different viewpoints and today we hear the perspective of a parent who lost the child in the tragedy at Parkland who has become an active voice in school safety and security. I’m honored now to introduce our guest speaker, Mr Matt Schachter. Mr Schachter is a proud mother of Alex who was one of the 14 students and three teachers killed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school. In an effort to protect all children and teachers, the safe schools for Alex temptation was initiated to support the creation of national school safety best practices and to establish the foundational school safety implementation model and regular system. Since the death of his son Alex Max has been influential in driving change at the highest levels of the US government to improve schools security and crime prevention, leading additional commissions and committees and interdisciplinary members, politicians and subject matter experts to drive consensus on challenging school safety issues and the obstacles that’s has made. 15 trips to Washington DC met with 150 members of the United States Congress, the vice president and the president of the United States. He has conducted countless meetings with senior officials at the DOJ, Dov DHS, and the FBI, and that’s a vision to create a national tool safety best practices inside a federal school safety clearinghouse has now become a reality and will be released in October. Matt chapter, thank you so much for joining us today.

Thank you for having me. I’m glad to be with everyone. My son, Alex,

was one of the 17 victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Matt’s occur in Parkland, Florida last Valentine’s Day, and this afternoon I’m going to bring you back to that horrible day by showing you a mixture of slides and pictures. I hope that at the end of the next 40 minutes, they’ll have a better understanding of this tragedy so that this never happens in your community. But before I get into what happened last Valentine’s Day in Parkland, I want to remember the beautiful people that were taken from us that day. Alyssa, Allah def Scott Beagle, Martin. Do K and Nicholas go red?

Yeah. Okay.

Aaron Feis, Jamie Guttenberg, Chris Hixon and Luke Hoyer. Carol Ogren, Gina Montalto, Joaquin Oliver, and Aleena Petty Metal Pollack. Helena Ramsay. Alex Schachter and Carmen Shan, Trump and Peter Lang.

This is a picture of my little boy, Alex. He was in ninth grade. He was only 14 he played the trombone in the marching band. They had just won the state title for the first time several months before the shooting. I was there. It was one of my proudest moments. Alex was a tenacious defender on the Parkland recreational bat basketball team. Even though we won two championships, he loved it because he was playing with his best friend. Alex was in the first classroom that was attacked. His class were the warning shots for the rest of the day.

I thought that when I stick by to my little boy and I sent him to school, he was safe and that he would come home to my wife and I. I never thought that there would be murdered in English class. One of the last slides that I will show today is a very special poem. It was written by Alex two weeks before he was murdered. I look for or to showing it to you. This is a picture of the last vacation we took without [inaudible]. We miss them tremendously after the tragedy. Former Governor Rick Scott of Florida, now Senator Rick Scott formed the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school public safety’s mission. We were tasked with investigating the events that led up to the February 14th tragedy and the mistakes that occurred by law enforcement, the Broward county public schools, and every entity that was involved in that horrible Valentine’s Day afternoon. I was chosen to be one of the 15 commissioners. I made 15 trips to d c as oh Shannon Ted. I met with 150 members of Congress, the president, the vice president.

There were pictures of our two great Florida senators, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott. After the tragedy, president Trump formed the federal commission on school safety report and you were put, he formed this task force that was commissioned with, with writing a report to study how we can make school safer. This is the, this is the picture of one of my meetings with president Trump in the Roosevelt room of the White House. After the shooting, I still had three other children in school and I could not afford to lose another child. I say the law enforcement in school and facials show me the best practices. Show me this whole safety standards and everyone told me there were none. I couldn’t understand why. We developed fire codes to protect children from dying in a fire. After 92 children died in a school fire in 1958 and it had worked. No child has died in a school firing 60 years.

It’s been 20 years since Columbine and children and teachers continue to be murdered in their classrooms. For decades. School administrators, I’ve only had to focus on educating our youth. They now have to become school security experts. Every principal has to become an expert in ballistics doors, access control cameras. It is a daunting task. After February 14th I advocated for the creation of national school safety best practices at the federal level. My vision would that those best practices would be housed in a clearing house, a repository, a one stop shop for all information on the safety of our school. At this meeting with the president, the secretary of education, Betsy devoss, former DHS secretary, Christian Nielsen, HHS, health and Human Services Secretary, Alex ADSR and former attorney general Whitaker. I finally got what I had been fighting for underneath my, my palms of my hands on a desk in front of me is the federal commission on school safety report that each of us were issued that day by the president on page 126 of that report is my recommendation to create the clearing house.

I’ll read it to you yet if it’s difficult to read. One of the biggest concerns raised by schools and school districts since the parkland shooting has been their inability to easily sift through the multitude of security option equipment technologies that are available to their schools. As a way to address this, many individuals in the school security community have suggested the establishment of a federal clearing house that could assess, identify, and should develop a clearing house to assess, identify and share best practices related to school security measures, technologies and innovation. This report was issued December 18th of last year, so now that we had the great work of the Federal Commission on school safety report completed, my next objective was to make sure that the 98 recommendations were implemented. I view those recommendations as a to do list and I wanted to avoid this report being put up on a shelf with all the other reports from Columbine, Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech or them forming another commission or another committee to create another bureaucracy. So I, I got to work and I worked with the White House to implement the recommendations. I advocated, I went to Washington many, many times because what was in my, my mind and as I, as I knew from my horrible experiences that we knew it was going to happen again, we know the next murderers out there. We know that the gun that he’s going to use is out there. Unfortunately, it’s not a question of if it is a question of when the next classroom will be attacked.

I want to report that the development of the school safety clearing house is moving along nicely. All federal agencies working together to develop the foundational elements of school safety. This is a picture of the first stakehold meat stakeholder meeting that we had July 30th in Washington, D C we had almost two dozen stakeholders in attendance. It was great and hopefully we will have the new a clearing house website, school safety.gov up and running. By the end of October. Former governor Rick Scott formed the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission. As I alluded to earlier, I was appointed to be one of the commissioners even though it was excruciating reliving the events that led up to and including the day that Alex was murdered, was very important to me to be on that commission and you didn’t know what happened to Alex who was responsible and hold them accountable. We met almost every month in public assisted by for Department of law enforcement investigators to uncover the truth. We are responsible for looking at all the events of the murderer’s life from age three until the shooting. We analyze all the failures of every entity involved, including the law enforcement response and we made recommendations to legislature to fix the problems we identified and our great governor of Florida, Ron Desantis enacted those recommendations. We issued our initial report January 2nd of this year. It’s 456 pages long. If you’d like to see the report, it’s on our website. Safe schools for Alex Org.

Let’s talk about what happened that that horrible day, the murderer exited in an Uber at the bottom of your screen. Armed with an ar 15 in a rifle bag along with hundreds of rounds of ammunition. The murder enters the school through a gate that was unlocked and unstaffed the shooter enters the gate at the southwest corner of the picture. The security monitor that’s on did not pursue him even though he knew he was caring rifle bag. He hears the gunfire inside the building. He goes to get the SRO. He does not try to stop him. He did not call a code red.

Marjorie Stoneman Douglas is a very large campus, 13 buildings covering 45 acres, 3000 students, only 12 and then in the upper right corner of the map, it was the newest building also called the 1200 building. It contains 30 classrooms. That building is still there as it was to be in the shooting. It now has a 12 foot 12 foot high fence around it. It’s locked and hermetically sealed. It will remain standing on that campus to bring the death penalty [inaudible] through there. No one’s allowed to tell [inaudible] it will be destroyed after the trial. Let’s look at the timeline. The shooter exited a Nuber at two 19 the shooting began at two the 21 over three minutes later, a code rebel was finally called the security monitor that saw, I mentioned the campus and started shooting, didn’t call a code red. The different security monitor inside the building during the shooting didn’t call a code red, and many of the assistant principals on campus didn’t call a code red either. By the time the code red was finally called, everyone had already been shot and or killed. Yeah, including Alex.

17 people were murdered and 17 were injured in three minutes and 51 seconds. The Burger blends in with exiting students. Six minutes after the shooting star started. 11 minutes after the shooting started, law enforcement finally enters the building and it takes law enforcement 40 minutes to get to the third floor to administer medical [inaudible]. I mentioned to the 10 kids that were shot on the third floor. Six of them eventually died, the murderer. It was a former student. It was no surprise to anyone on campus that he had committed this horrible act of violence. He had been violent since he was three years old in county. He was able to accumulate 55 instances of disciplinary action. There were an additional 43 instances of law enforcement interaction with him outside of school. It was never arrested. He had all the red flags of a future school mass murderer. He was suicidal, homicidal, killed animals, mutilated their bodies. He was obsessed with weapons and when he turned 18 his mother bought him a gun.

At least 30 different people had knowledge prior to the MSD shooting. That was either not recorded or reported and not acted upon. There were six different instances of MSD. Staff being told the murderer was going to shoot up the school and nothing was done. The FBI and Broward Sheriff’s office each received multiple deans, detailed tips with actionable intelligence and nothing was done. [inaudible] 19 times a knife, a bullet. Her firearm was seen in the murderers possession either on social media or in real life. This is a picture of the building that was attacked. Alex, his classroom was right through that door on the right.

The gunman walked up and down the holes of the building, three floors firing into classrooms in hallways killing 17 and wounding 17 beautiful souls. There were no injuries or fatalities on the second floor because they heard the sound of the gunfire on the first floor. As a result, some teachers treated the incident as an active assailant response. They were hiding in their classrooms. Some of the teachers turn the lights off and in some of the rooms, even though there was no predesignated window covering, some of them used a sheet of construction paper to cover the windows. After the fire alarm went off. The third floor evacuated there. Their classrooms, as you will see in the next slide, the fire alarm was set off due to smoke from the gunfire over 125 kids. We’re in the hallway of the third floor as the murderer. It’s coming up the stairs on the third floor. The murderer targeted everyone. They did not make it back into their classrooms. 10 people were shot. Okay. Six words. Six died and four were injured to tried to hide in the bathrooms but couldn’t because they school had locked the bathrooms due to a vaping problem. Ended up fine.

He then entered the third floor teacher’s lounge, set up his bi-pod and attempted to shoot out of the windows facing outside. He targeted the math of students evacuating the other 11 buildings like in Las Vegas. Thank God he was unsuccessful. These are two different pictures of the students. The murderer was trying to kill from the third floor. All of that, you’re waiting to save their lives. Lessons learned. The murderer never entered a single classroom in buildings. He shot only people in his line of sight. In a classroom or a hallway. All gunshots were fired into classrooms through the classroom door or were the windows within the classroom door. Last windows in the classroom doors allowed him a clear sight line for him to murder Alex and the other children. He’s safer. Corner is an area in each classroom that is out of the line of sight of the windows. It is a no cost solution that will help mitigate the loss of life and injury in an active shooter situation. It gives children places to hide. We have to be cognizant. Then unfortunately we are most likely training the next school mass murderer. This is why it is extremely important to do situational based training, so we’re giving students and staff options as you will see in the next slide. The safer corners in some of the classrooms were obstructed by furniture, desks and in some instances large cabinets that were mounted to the wall.

Safer corner and room 1217 is where the teacher’s desk is and a file cabinet is things that could not be easily moved. Kids die because they could not get into the safer corner. There was one girl that was literally standing on the line. She was being pushed out of the safer corner because there wasn’t enough room. Only two of 30 classrooms had marked safer corners. As you stand room 1212 it is also filled with the teacher’s desk and other furniture. There were two kids that couldn’t get in the safer corner, so they decided hide behind TV sets. TV’s do not stop ar 15 rounds. They both died since February 14th the state of Florida has made drastic changes to the way we protect our schools. Under the resources tab of our website, you’ll find a breakdown of all the measures that we’ve implemented statewide. The principle of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas said during interviews that if there was a threat shoot up his school, he did not expect to be.

It’s evolved and completely disinterested in the threat assessment process. He is currently under investigation. Four assistant principals were reassigned and are under investigation due to their actions surrounding the events of February 14 in 19 a month since the tragedy, no school officials have been held accountable. Four to governor Ronda Santas and panel the grand jury to investigate the Broward County school board. Former sheriff Scott Israel was suspended due to the horrible failures of his agency. On February 14 former SRO, Scott Peterson, was arrested on 11 counts of child neglect. We passed the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act that implemented $99 million to improve physical security of schools, 98 million for sorrows. We created the office of safe schools. Each superintendent, we have 67 superintendents in the state of four. We have 67 counties. Each county there is one superintendent and each superintendent, it didn’t have to a point a ace school specialist in each school district to oversee school safety. Every school is required to have at least one armed school safety officer on campus at all times while school’s in session. Each school has to complete before to fade school risk assessment tool of each physical campus and the office of safe schools is developing a statewide standardized threat assessment instrument and a statewide database to share information.

The murderer and Marjorie Stoneman Douglas had an empty gun five times, five times. Someone could’ve stopped him or and armed guardian could have neutralized him. Guardians in the state of Florida undergo background checks, polygraphs, psych evaluations, and they get 144 hours of firearms training. They actually received more firearms training with any state law on enforcement officer and that the qualify five point higher five points higher as well. Law enforcement response failures were many, but here are four of them. The Broward Sheriff’s office active shooter policy on February 14th was it officers shall go towards the shooter as opposed, I’m sorry, that officers may go towards the shooter as opposed to shell. Initially it was shallow, but the former sheriff [inaudible] easy to May. Your menu officer provided this as one of the reasons during the interviews of the Broward Sheriff’s deputies. Some could not remember if there last active shooter training that was 10 years ago or 20 years ago.

This is probably because they’re training frequency was only every three years. The SRO on campus. Deputy Peterson underwent a single oh one hour active shooter exercise in the three years leading up to the mass shooting and that’s probably because they only had five trainers and for a force of over 5,000 that’s the reason they could only conduct active shooter training every three years. Okay. After shooter training builds muscle memory. Unfortunately during a mass casualty events, people do not rise to the occasion [inaudible] fall to their lowest level of training. The other responding agency, the Cold Springs Police Department conducts active shooter training every year. Those officers in contrast went right into the building. Eight sheriff’s deputies heard gunshots and did not attempt to enter the building. They’re either under investigate [inaudible] reassigned or retired, and also with our sheriff’s office did not have an active bulletproof. That’s where policy. So when officers arrived, they decided to get dressed while they were hearing shots going off inside the school.

Okay. Broward county public schools used Furpa to not share information and data with law enforcement. Their refusal to let law enforcement have access to school cameras prevented law enforcement hat from having live actionable intelligence. Inside the building. If they had, their response would have been much faster. They waited 11 minutes to enter the building. Upon arriving law enforcement thought the murder was still inside. They didn’t go up to the third floor for over 40 minutes to administer medical attention to the 10 children that had been shot and were dying. They had no idea that the murderer had escaped. After six minutes, the SRO on campus arrived at the front of the building in one minute and 44 seconds and he was on a golf cart. By then. At 24 people had already been shot. Andrew killed on just the first floor alone. After riding to the front of the building, the SRO heard the gunfire.

He then went and hid behind a concrete pillar for 48 minutes. You never moved. He never attempted to enter the building bathrooms on the first and floor floor. We’re locked due to vaping problems on campus that prevented three children from hiding there to avoid being shot. Two of them were initially shot in the hallway. The murderer came back and executed them at point blank range. Classroom doors could only be locked from the outside. Teachers had to stick their head out the door. Well, bullets were being fired, put their keys in from the outside to lock the door.

Brevard county schools pre arrest, diversionary program known as promise, created a culture of leniency within its schools. This prevented the judicial system from having an opportunity to address the murderers, systematic violent behavior and resulted in him never being arrested. Everyone’s in favor of giving kids a second chance, but not 55 of them. The disciplinary system prioritize the rights of the murderer over the rights of every other child in his class and school. There were 69 documented incidents where the murder of threatened someone engaged in violence talked about guns and other weapons. Law Enforcement and school officials need to work together if we don’t. Information Silos are created like in Broward county where a juvenile can have multiple in school, pre arrest diversion and multiple out of school civil citation diversion without either system being aware. This needs to be fixed. If we’re going to protect our schools.

Currently all nine one one cell calls on Parkland go to coral springs police department. If they need law enforcement, the call must be transferred to Broward Sheriff’s Office on February 14th that transfer process took a minute and 20 seconds. During that time people were being shot and killed. Prior to February 14th I never would have imagined such a process existed. I thought you call nine one in law enforcement and dispatched the two responding agencies could not communicate with each other because they did not have each other’s channels on their respective radios. They tried to conduct a patch, but the patch failed. Law Enforcement Police radios failed that day as well. Due to too many users and the system being 30 years old, the radio and operability hampered and slowed the response. Multiple Swat teams on scene. They had to resort to using hand signals to avoid shooting each other.

Your five key takeaways, all students and staff at all schools and need to be locked down and safe or corner policy trained. It’s not enough just to have a lockdown protocol. You must require each school to have drills and to have a formal policy. Broward county public schools did not have a formal act of a sandlot response policy and they’re the sixth largest school district in country. They didn’t have one prior to February 14 Marjorie Stillman. Douglas did not have a code red drill free several years before the shooting school personnel did not know or clearly understand the criteria for calling a code red who could call it and when it could be called the ability to immediately notify law enforcement of an emergency is paramount. Staff need to man all unlocked gates and doors and afterschool has started. Everything needs to be logged. Implements stop the bleed kits in all classrooms and offices. That way your teacher and staff can be first responders. Unfortunately, these incidents are over in a matter of minutes. In parkland, it was Oprah over in three minutes and 51 seconds and typically that’s the range around four minutes. Swat will not arrive in time, probably not going to get their fro. Cool.

If you do not stop at arterial bleed within five minutes, your chance of survival is my newt. The biggest threat to making our school safe is our mindset. We didn’t think anything like this could ever happen. Here was the response most commonly stated by our Marjorie Stillman Douglas teachers. I never thought it could happen in Parkland either. We have to change the public’s mindset if we’re ever going to prevent school shootings. The it can’t happen here. Mindset prevents us from having a security mindset and lets complacency set in contributing to that false sense of security is the under-reporting of violence on campus around the country. For instance, between 2014 and 2017 it’s just through a three year period of time. Marjorie Stillman, Douglas reported zero bullying, zero harassment, zero trespassing, zero threat, zero intimidation. If we were ever going to make our schools safe. School districts around this country must ensure that each school accurately report all required incidents and that under-reporting is eliminated.

Unfortunately, there is an incentive to under-report so the numbers look good. That is why I believe we need a Federal Query Act for k through 12 the query act is in 1990 federal statutes that requires all colleges and universities that participate and get federal financial aid to keep and disclose information about crime on their campus. When the public goes online to look at the ratings of k through 12 many of them, including Marjorie Stillman Douglas, have an a rating. You’re thinking that’s great. The public does not understand, but that has nothing to do with the safety of that institution. This is just academics. There are currently no school safety rating systems that inform the public about whether or not campuses are doing the necessary steps to ensure preventing the next tragedy and ensuring that schools are doing what they need to do to mitigate the number of casualties in the next attack.

If the public understood that schools like Marjorie Stoneman Douglas never had a code red drill for all for the entire year, proceeding the shooting and did not teach their students and teachers what to do in an active shooter situation, I believe public pressure would make schools safer and influence change nationwide. Florida has implemented laws to gain school districts compliance, very strong laws, but I believe the most effective strategies is to use public pressure, can make school district prioritize safety and security. Overall l I believe we need a school safety rate and has tremendous success. The car industries rating system has improved car safety and decrease fatalities tremendously before you buy a car, you review their safety and crash test ratings, but for parents there’s nothing. No Way to know if your child’s school is safe. If the school safety rating system existed, I think it would change everything and make schools safe.

Two weeks before Alex was murdered in English class, he wrote a beautiful poem that my son Ryan found at five o’clock in the morning as we were writing Alex Eulogy. The poem is called life. It’s like a roller coaster. I’d like to share it with you. I hope. I hope you like it. It’s very special to my wife and I. Life is like a roller coaster, eh? He had some ups and downs. Sometimes you can take it slow. We’re very fast. It may be hard to breathe at times, but you just have to push yourself and keep going. Your bar is your safety. It’s like your family and friends. Hold on tight and don’t let go, but sometimes you might throw your hands up because your friends and family will always be there just like that bar keeping you safe at all times. It may be too much for you.

The twist, the turns, the upside downs, but you get back up and keep chugging along. Okay? Essentially, it all comes to a stop. You won’t know when or how, which we’ll know it’s time to get off and start a new life. It’s like a roller coaster. Okay. Schools for Alex is the foundation that my wife and I created in memory of our little boy with all the horrible details that we have talked about today. We’re trying to have something good come out of this horrible tragedy and made sure that Alex and the 16 other beautiful angels had passed away last Valentine’s Day did not die in vain.

It’s close for Alex envisions a world where children learn in a safe environment, free of violence. This year. I’ve made a commitment to travel this country to tell Alex’s story. Oh, to talk about the lessons learned and the best practices developed as a result of this horrible massacre. The more school districts and law enforcement organizations that understand what happened in Marjorie Stoneman Douglas is safer entities will become, if I can help you or come to your district, I will do it. Please let me know. Well, on my website, under resources in the animation of the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Commission that we created as a culmination of the entire law enforcement response on February 14 I encourage you to look at it. It is a culmination of all the law of all the school cameras, the body cameras, hundreds of interviews, and eight months of investigatory work. Watch how long it takes law enforcement to be notified. Keep in mind in one minute and 44 seconds, the murder had already shot in or killed. 24 people on the first floor alone.

Thank you for joining this Webinar. Everyone that’s on this webinar cares about making schools safe. I believe in each one of you all working together to make a difference. At this time, I’m going to transition over to Clayton doorstep, the regional director raptor technology. Thank you Max for sharing your story with us here today. Welcome everybody. My name is Clayton Dorsett. I’m the regional director here at rock your technologies. Uh, I’m just gonna give you a quick high level overview of our emergency management products of them. Before I get started here, I just wanna let you guys know that maximum. I will have a Q and a at the end, so please feel free to put your questions in the chat and we’ll be happy to get through those at the end. Okay, so again, welcome. Uh, my name is quite north set. I’m the regional director here at raptor technologies. I’m going to talk to you just a little bit about raptor. As you can see, we currently protects over 26,000 k 12 schools across the country using our safety products today. Okay. Some of those products, uh, include our visitor management system, our volunteer management, and our emergency management. So we have our visitor management. Well we do as we basically turn your paper and pencil sign in sheets that you use to manage everyone coming in and out of your schools. Insulin electronic

visitor management system, and it does a lot of things for you or most known for is the fact that we can do two incident checks on your visitors, your contractors, your volunteers, et cetera. The first isn’t instant sexist vendor check. Today we flag about 40 registered sex sex offenders every single day attempting to enter our customer‘s schools. And the second instant check that we do is against the custom database where the district [inaudible] school, you can put whatever they want to be flagged. Most schools putting your custody issues to help them keep track of who can pick up home and we issue about a hundred of those customer alerts every single day. So that’s our main visitor management product. We also have a full life cycle volunteer management product that also does those incidence screens on your volunteers coming in and out. But it actually covers the whole life cycle. Everything from an online volunteer application through to a full criminal background screening on the volunteer through to signing them into the school, tracking hours, events, top volunteers, et cetera.

So again, the full life cycle of a volunteer management. And the third product that we have is our emergency management, which we’ll be going over today and high level. So our raptor emergency management is broken out into three components. We have drill management, active incident management, and parent student reunification. So with our drill management, what this is going to allow your district to do is manage all your drills electronically. So your coordinator at the district will publish the drill requirements that are set for your school site. At that point, the school sites will be able to log into the system, begin planning, scheduling, and completing those drills. Now you guys as a district, we’ll have a nice clean compliance dashboard that shows who’s within compliance and completed that drill. The yellow means that the school site has planned the drill but not yet completed, and the red signifies they’re out of compliance.

So that’s our drill management. The second piece is our active incident management. Now we can be set up to follow the standard response protocol. And what we’re doing here is we’re bringing in 21st century technology into the active incident space. So for example, here, what we’re looking at is a map of if we have a reunification, we’re going to have plan a, plan B, and plan c. So let’s take a look at Eisenhower Elementary. And what we want to do is we want initiate a lockdown. So in this case, our incident commander is an SRO. And please keep in mind your incident commander can be really anybody you deem necessary. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to trigger a lockdown. And what’s going to happen now is the incident commander is going to open up their cell phone, they’re going to log into the raptor app and hit initiate incident.

At this point, we’re going to say it’s an emergency. We’re gonna do a lot bound at Eisenhower elementary. So at this point, once it has been initiated, alerts are now being sent out to the entire building staff. So this is really to compliment anything you guys may do today, sending out any kind of alerts such as the PA, again, whatever it may be. But these alerts are being sent out via message and email. So let’s take a look inside the classroom. So once the teacher received that automated text message, typically what happens is they turn off the lights, lock the door and hide in the corner. So at this point we’re able to sync with your sis and pull your class roster in real time to begin the accountability. So the first thing that the teacher will do is open up their phone, click on the wrap your app.

They’re going to account for themselves and what levels and where they’re located. At this point, again, we were able to pull your class roster and the teacher will begin updating the student’s statuses in real time. So you can see here we have accounted for it absent missing and your and once those have been accounted for, this is happening simultaneously throughout the entire school at the same exact time. Now you guys, as part of the district emergency team using pen and paper, you don’t have the visibility into the school, but she would have using this compliance dashboard you see here? Yeah. So this dashboard is going to allow your district emergency team that visibility, so you can see what students have been accounted for, injured, absolutely, and missing. You can even take it a step further and drill down into these statuses. So if you want to see who was marked injured, it’ll pull those four, four students. Then we can even drill down into this students to see who marked that student injured and where they’re located. Now we’re also able to pull the [inaudible] guardian information. How of your sis. So this may be, you can make a quick phone call or text. So that’s our active incident management. The third component that ties directly into the activist and the management is the reunification, the parents, student reunification. So what we’re going to do for offsite reunification, in this case, we’re going to use meridian elementary.

So here at reading elementary, this is where we can be set up the fall, the standards reunification method, so we’re going to have a student holding area, a guardian greeter area, and a real unifier desk. So what’s going to happen at this point as students begin to arrive to the student holding area, this is where you will use your mass notification system to send out the reunification instruction to the parents. At this point, once the reunification instructions have been received, they’re going to showing up. The first touch for the parents should be the greeter. As you can see, the greeter has the greeter role on their device and their sole purpose is to begin the reunification for the students. So they’re going to type in that student’s name, Hey, begin, we’re going to initiate that is the mother. You can verify the identity and you can see the reunification has been initiated, so this step is going to continue to happen as parents begin to show up for the Guardian greeter.

Now here as a reunified death, we’re going to have our runner and you can stay on top of that. Provides the runners working out of the runner tab and what their job is. They’re going to get retrieved mixed students, so once they hit retrieve next student, you’re going to see Theodore pop up. At this point, the runner is going to go to the student holding area t Theodore. Now the reunified, again working out of the unifier roles is going to see that Theodore is on the way and what they’re going to do is they’re going to call Ms. Atkins up to the front. The runners, they ain’t going to be there with [inaudible].

You can ask for an identification to verify the Rena fire is going to hit reunify. You could have the parents sign off. You’re also going to be given a full reunification summary of each student as well and one of the neat things as well is once the reunification has been completed, text messages are automatically sent to all the designated guardians to let them know that Theodore has been or unified with Ms. Atkins at that point. Theodore, Ms. Adkins exit the area and that is my piece here. So with that said, what we have found using this process side by side with Pencil and paper is streamlining it with the emergency manager policies. This has been four times faster for school districts during the reunification process. So with that, I’m going to go ahead and pass it back over to Shannon and we’ll begin the Q and a as he stated. We’ll now move into the Q and a section and we do have several questions from the audience. If we don’t get to your question today, we will certainly follow up with you after the Webinar. The first question here is for Clayton [inaudible]. Well, local law enforcement have access to visual dashboards in the event of a crisis with the rafter and emergency management system. That’s a great question and absolutely that though we’ll have full access to see the dashboards. That’s correct.

Thank you Clayton. This next question is for you Max. Um, how can districts [inaudible] Dively include


in there,

school safety plans and discussions that around safety insecurity? I think that’s a critical piece. Um, I know that, you know, that’s, that’s so important. Districts need to be having, you know, meetings with parents. Uh, I’d recommend often and go over the plan so that, you know, they can talk to their children and explain to them what’s happening. We all need to work together. Uh, for instance, you know, in these meetings they need to talk about the prevention side and using, uh, if you’re, if your state or county has an anonymous reporting app. Um, we did not have one in Florida prior to the shooting. Uh, we do now. And uh, you know, that’s something that needs to be able to communicate it to the students and the parents. Everybody needs, needs to be on the same page. And also what to do in case of an emergency, where to go, they need to work with the kid, uh, so that everybody is safe and the kids feel comfortable. It’s the communication that needs to needs to happen.

And the question is for Clayton. Quaintness tends a raptor in a great west sis system. Yes, they will. We have a wrap your link, which we’ll be able to connect to your sis to pool all the information in real time. That’s one question we’re getting here is what did teachers have in the classroom to notify district facing personnel or local law enforcement that there was a crisis? Yeah. You know, as we know, you know, especially with the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, these incidents are over in under four minutes. And if you don’t, if you don’t stop these incidents in, you know, in a, in an under a minute, you’re going to have a tremendous amount of casualties. Even, even with an SRO on campus, on a golf cart. It took them a minute and 44 seconds to [inaudible] to get to the front of the building. And we know that since law enforcement did not have access to the cameras, uh, you know, they didn’t enter the building for 11 minutes.

So that immediate notification of law enforcement is critical. And to the rest of the campus, uh, you know, we had mass confusion. The, the second floor knew what was happening, but the third floor didn’t, uh, they thought it was a fire alarm and the rest of the campus didn’t know. So, uh, to answer your question, uh, you know, prior to this shooting, if there was an active shooter situation, teachers would have to go to this, this book of, of pages, um, you know, open up the book, scroll through five different pages of phone numbers, find the proper phone number for them to call and then go to the phone, dial the phone number for, uh, the security department, call that number and that phone, you know, with not in the, uh, the safe area of the, so they could potentially be putting themselves at, at maximum risk by even going to the phone and, um, you know, just massive amounts of wasted time. So you know, that that is something that needs to be fixed in Broward County.

And then time, time means, uh, you know, if we can save time, we can save lives. So, right. Next question here for quaintness, kneel at the load facility masks or even emergency protocols into the emergency management system. Yeah, that’s a great question. And absolutely you can. And, and they’re easily accessible through the mobile app. So any teachers, emergency directors that need to view them, they can quickly do that. Yeah. Next question here from Laura and she’s, okay, well, are there any, it’s a big thing, but the district did and that helps parents with updates during the crisis and B, that could have been done better to communicate during the crisis.

Um, you know, I, no, I wasn’t on that side of the equation. Um, but that’s extremely important to, uh, you know, to all all parents. Obviously everybody wants to know what’s happening. I know that, you know, that they sent out an alert, but you know, they really didn’t have to even do anything. You know, you could just turn on the news. Everybody knew what was happening, uh, yet helicopters over us, you know, sirens everywhere. So I think it’s extremely important. Laura’s question is good. There needs to be a plan. Unfortunately, Broward County didn’t have one prior to this event.

And your last question, and this was for you as well, Matt, what are some low cost or no cost solutions available and to help districts protect students and staff? Yeah, and that’s a good question. You know, everybody always says to make schools safe, it’s a money issue, but there are a lot of things that can be done, you know, for low cost or no cost. Um, if, if anybody on the call wants to look at the recommendations from the, uh, the MSD Commission, it’s on our website under resources into things that we, we rank things in tiers. So tier one would be low cost, no cost, a short time to implement and then tier two, three and four and you’re forwarding much more expensive things that take a long time to implement. But things along the lines of tier one would be, you know, just putting together a formal activist Sanlam response policy.

Uh, number two, making sure if your classrooms do have locks on their doors, making sure that all teachers teach with a lock door. Um, also saw that lives were saved on the second floor by teachers. Just having the ability to cover the windows, you know, they used, you know, just construction paper. Also making sure that law enforcement has access to the cameras. If you have cameras in your school, it’s a simple signature in a of an MOU. Now law enforcement, you can have access. I know that that would have a, that would have saved lives in Parkland. And also if you have an anonymous threat reporting app in your district, you know, publicizing that and making sure that every kid downloads it on their phone. You already have the app. We’re not talking about, you know, any money. It’s just communication, policies and procedures.

Thank you Max. Um, we definitely appreciate you sharing your voice today in your very powerful story. Contact Information for both raptor and that Schachter at safe schools for Alex is on your screen. We have several upcoming webinars and still being best practices for collaborative threat assessment and violence prevention on September 25th at 1:00 PM with Mr. Johns Andrea Hall. To see this and other webinars, please visit raptor tech [inaudible] dot com four Ford splashed register. Also, you will receive an email surveyed shortly. If you could give us feedback, we would greatly appreciate it. So we can take your input into account as we plan for additional Webinar topics that you are most interested in. Again, you will receive a recording, a recording within 24 hours after this webinar. That’s cause we’ve had broadcast today. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you on the next webinar. Have a great day.

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