This article originally appeared on KCWY NBC 13 and was written by Landon Harrar. To view the original article, click here.
All Riverton schools have a new way to keep students safer with the Raptor Security System.
Everybody is trying to get into a District 25 schools must have a valid ID scanned.
Superintendent at School District #25 Terry Snyder told News 13, Raptor is a visitor management system that allows us to scan an individuals drivers license or some type of ID and within about ten seconds we know whether they have a sexual assault record.
If you trigger an alert, you will not be allowed into the building and must meet with a school resource officer or principal.
If you are scanned in and have an alert come up, we will have you stay in that location until we are able to call a principal or a school resource officer to ask you questions to get further explanation.
Sheryl Esposito, Principal at Riverton’s Aspen early Learning Center commented, Alerts are sent to me through the system. If somebody is, say a sex offender or any other information we may need to know thats connected back to their license.
When a visitor leaves the building they turn in their badge to be signed out. This way in case of an emergency, police can pull up a detailed list from the raptor system of who is still in the school and who wouldn’t normally be.
Snyder said this system is safer than the old system of signing in and getting a visitors pass.
The reason we’re implementing this is we don’t want somebody to slip by, there are times when people don’t inform us of their past records and we find out about it, but that hasn’t been a significant problem for us.
He continued to report, We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback actually from parents even though it is one more step for them to have to scan their license, they’re very happy the district is trying to keep their students safe.
Once you get your ID scanned, office employees only need to enter your name in the system every other visit to check if you are still allowed near the school.
The Raptor System costed $17,000 to install and will cost $5,000 per year to keep active at all ten schools in District 25.