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Proactive School Safety: Leveraging the Summer Months

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As summer rolls around, educators often look forward to a well-deserved break and time for rejuvenation. However, for those dedicated to ensuring the safety of students, the summer presents a crucial window of opportunity to prepare for the upcoming school year. While this period allows for strategic planning, it can also feel overwhelming when considering the comprehensive measures needed to safeguard students effectively.  

In the latest episode of School Safety Today with Dr. Amy, I had the privilege of conversing with Dr. Allison Willemin from Oxford Community Schools in Oxford, Michigan. Dr. Willemin shared invaluable insights on maximizing this time to enhance school safety measures. 

Key Strategies for Maximizing School Safety Preparations:

  1. Understand District Goals and Priorities

    To streamline efforts and prioritize tasks, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the district’s safety goals and priorities. By aligning initiatives with overarching objectives, school safety leaders can effectively narrow their focus and allocate resources where they are most needed.
  1. Aim for Progress over Perfection

    While it may be tempting to tackle all safety initiatives at once, it’s important to recognize that comprehensive safety enhancements take time. Begin by identifying key areas that require immediate attention and start there. Remember, progress is iterative, and each step taken contributes to a safer school environment. 
  1. Foster Collaboration Opportunities

    Collaboration is key in enhancing school safety measures. Seek opportunities to collaborate with internal stakeholders, such as teachers, administrators, and support staff, and external partners like law enforcement agencies and community organizations. By leveraging collective expertise and resources, schools can create a robust safety ecosystem.  
  1. Emphasize Ongoing Training

    While summer offers an optimal period for intensive training sessions, it is essential to highlight the importance of continuous learning and skill development throughout the year. Safety training should be seen as an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. Regular refreshers and updates keep all staff members prepared and informed to address safety concerns effectively. Additionally, consider personalizing training for different schools. Monthly meetings at campuses can facilitate tabletop exercises, enhancing the relevance and impact of the training. 
  1. Find Ways to Fill Your Cup

    Dr. Willemin emphasized the importance of finding ways to “fill your cup” in the demanding field of school safety. Taking care of oneself is crucial to prevent burnout and becoming overwhelmed. These self-care practices are essential for sustaining long-term effectiveness in ensuring student safety. 

Funding Proactive School Safety with ESSER

With the deadline to obligate Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds rapidly approaching on September 30, school administrators have a finite amount of time to decide how to best utilize remaining ESSER resources. 

Fortunately, that leaves the summer months for schools to plan how they can use ESSER to support student wellbeing and staff professional development. The following list provides an abridged guide to strategic ESSER use; view the full guide here.  

  1. Student Wellbeing Management: Raptor StudentSafe™ helps schools create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments through evidence-based practices and early intervention strategies. Recognizing and documenting initial signs of distress empowers educators to preemptively tackle issues before they escalate. When school counselors are empowered with observations of school staff across campus, they can notice patterns that may indict a student is struggling, enabling timely and appropriate support.  

Here’s how StudentSafe meets ESSER’s criteria for student wellbeing management:  

  • Evidence-Based Practice and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support   
  • Early Intervention Documentation 
  • Violence Prevention and Intervention  
  • More Efficient Resource Allocation and Support
  1. Professional Development: With effective training, your BTA program is conducted with fidelity and provides an unbiased approach to helping students move off a pathway of violence. This allows school staff to focus on what’s best for the student while improving overall student outcomes and school climate. 

    Raptor’s Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) Team Training builds confidence in your team to align properly with policies, procedures, and regulations—and aligns seamlessly with ESSER’s criteria for professional development utilization.  
  1. Student Wellbeing Programs: Taking a proactive stance with student wellbeing enhances the likelihood of successful interventions, broadening the scope of support available. StudentSafe enables administrators to analyze behavioral trends on a larger scale, strategically deploying resources to address and minimize risks effectively.

Maximize ESSER’s Impact with Proactive School Safety Planning

By embracing a proactive and structured approach to school safety preparations during the summer months, educators and safety professionals can establish a strong foundation for a safe and secure learning environment when students return for the new academic year.

The summer serves as a critical period for schools to assess, strategize, and fortify their safety protocols. By taking proactive steps, collaborating with stakeholders, and committing to continuous improvement, schools can create a culture of safety that prioritizes the well-being of students and staff alike. Let this summer be a time of purposeful action towards ensuring a safe and nurturing educational environment for all. 

Related Resources

Learn how to maximize ESSER funding use in Raptor’s free Guide to Addressing Covid-19 Impacts.

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