6 Strategies to Improve Student Safety During School Dismissal

6 Strategies to Improve Student Safety During School Dismissal

School dismissal is a crucial time of day for ensuring student safety, yet it can also be one of the most chaotic. From traffic congestion and unauthorized pickups to coordinating transportation and preventing parental confusion, the challenges are multifaceted.  

A well-organized dismissal plan is essential for preventing accidents and ensuring student safety. One major aspect that schools need to address in their dismissal plans is traffic congestion.  

Managing the flow of vehicles and pedestrians around the school can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and create a smoother dismissal process.  

Here are 6 ways schools can manage these dismissal-time risks to student safety. 

Traffic Congestion Management

1. Designated Pick-Up and Drop-Off Zones 

One of the primary concerns during school dismissal is traffic congestion. Increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic around the school can lead to accidents. Implementing designated pick-up and drop-off zones can significantly reduce these risks. Schools can work with local authorities to establish clear signage and traffic control measures. 

2. Real-Time Traffic Coordination 

Raptor DismissalSafe offers real-time tracking of carline pickups, which helps staff manage traffic flow more effectively. Staff can add cars to the dismissal queue by searching student names, pickup person names, carpool number, etc. This populates the dismissal queue and provides a centralized location for staff to see information as they dismiss students.  

By monitoring vehicle movements, schools can ensure a smoother and safer dismissal process. 

3. Collaboration with Local Authorities 

Coordinating with local law enforcement or traffic control officers can further enhance safety. They can assist in managing traffic flow and ensuring that pick-up and drop-off zones are used correctly. 

For more information on building collaborative relationships with local law enforcement, read Raptor’s free guide to Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Public Safety. 

Preventing Unauthorized Pickups

4. Robust Verification Systems 

The risk of unauthorized individuals attempting to pick up students increases during dismissal. Schools need robust systems to verify the identity of people collecting children. Raptor DismissalSafe integrates with the Raptor Safe™ App, allowing guardians to manage their list of authorized pickup persons. 

5. Real-Time Alerts and Notifications 

When changes are made to dismissal schedules through the Raptor Safe App, detailed alerts are automatically sent to relevant stakeholders. This ensures that everyone is informed promptly, reducing the risk of unauthorized pickups. 

6. Secure Student Release 

By integrating with the school’s Student Information System (SIS), Raptor DismissalSafe ensures that students are released only to authorized individuals. This added layer of security gives parents peace of mind. 

Reimagine Dismissal Safety with Raptor

Raptor Dismissal Safe provides the tools and technology to support a safer and more efficient dismissal process, ensuring students are released only to authorized individuals and traffic flows smoothly.  

To discover how Raptor DismissalSafe can enhance your school’s dismissal process, schedule a demo today.  

Related Resources

Learn how Greenwich Country Day School cut dismissal wait times in half.

Raptor SchoolPass Dismissal Solutions