Activate your emergency response through app-based and wearable panic buttons
On May 5, 2023, Texas enacted SB 838/HB 669, known as Alyssa’s Law. This bill requires school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide silent panic alert technology in classrooms beginning with the 2025-2026 school year. The technology must allow for immediate contact with district or school emergency services and agencies, law enforcement agencies, health departments, and fire departments.
Texas HB3, a piece of legislation focused on enhancing school safety and security statewide, was signed into law on June 14, 2023, and took effect on September 1, 2023. The legislation increased the annual allotment to $10 per student in average daily attendance, plus $15,000 per campus, to fund safety and security improvements, including hardware- and software-based panic alert technology (as confirmed by the TEA), two-way radios, and wireless internet booster equipment. The law also requires:
Designed to work under duress, Raptor Alert and Raptor Badge Alert provide a silent panic alert system for school staff.
Raptor alerting technology expedites and streamlines emergency response by allowing users to initiate an alert directly through 911 and provide critical information to first responders, law enforcement, and campus personnel.
The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, a well-known school safety organization, has an extensive set of emergency response protocols, including the Standard Response Protocol® (SRP) and the Standard Reunification Method™ (SRM). As a mission partner, Raptor is fully aligned with these protocols and officially licensed by the Foundation to include them in our Emergency Management software.
When using Raptor® Emergency Management, you can be confident that everyone is following these protocols and speaking the same language during any emergency.
By simply pressing a button on their wearable Raptor Alert badge, staff can send pre-configured alerts securely over a long-range LoRa network.
Raptor Alert was designed to work under duress with simple navigation and built-in collaboration with critical response and emergency services experts. The same app is used for critical emergencies and everyday incidents, so staff learns one system to summon help. Now, with the advanced innovation of Raptor Connect, schools can take full advantage of digital emergency response technologies by activating all from a single point.
Eliminate the risk of an audible phone call with the option to silently alert and share critical information through RapidSOS with 911 dispatchers.
Users can initiate an alert and send critical information to 911 from any alerting device, including wearable badges, integrated technologies, the Raptor Alert mobile panic app, and desktop computers, eliminating the need for a cellular connection and avoiding the risk of an audible phone call.
Customize alerts based on incident type to ensure the appropriate personnel is notified.
Situation-specific notifications are delivered through text, phone, email, desktop alerts, and push notifications, ensuring staff receive critical updates instantly.
Visual and auditory alerts, such as screen takeovers, strobes, intercoms, and digital signage, provide immediate, campus-wide awareness—even if personal devices are silenced or in do-not-disturb mode.
Raptor Connect empowers you to activate various emergency response mechanisms from a single interface. Through the Raptor Connect integration platform, schools can seamlessly integrate with their digital security systems and peripherals in both directions, ensuring efficient communication and action during emergencies. Learn more
Critical alert types can be assigned unique sounds, with distinct voiceovers included to indicate whether the alert is a drill or an active emergency. This can help prevent unnecessary trauma on those involved with drills, as well as help combat complacency to a single alert sound.
Raptor Alert is compatible with all standard Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) and emergency calling infrastructure and is RapidSOS Ready™ which accelerates the transfer of critical emergency alert data to 911 and first responders. See below for more in-depth alerting options.
During emergencies, staff can activate an alert from their wearable badge anywhere on campus.
Highly efficient mapping services and widespread connectivity to existing safety technologies such as strobes, intercoms and door locks keep budgets intact without sacrificing safety.
In harmony with Raptor Emergency Management, staff can access secure in-app communication, account for students, staff, and visitors, and safely reunify families.
Raptor Badge Alert leverages a Long Range (LoRaWAN) Network configured and optimized for badge alerting to help ensure full campus coverage.
Monitor network equipment status with configurable health monitoring and automatically notify staff when their badge battery is low.
When time equals life, every second of clear communication can make all the difference. That is why Raptor Alert supports standard E911 services, is RapidSOS Ready™, and is fully compatible with all standard Public Safety Answering Points and emergency calling infrastructure.
Raptor automatically shares caller information with 911 dispatchers, including caller name, callback number, precise location—down to which building they are in—school name and address, and type of emergency.
From approving all entrants, managing volunteers, and confidently responding to any emergency, you can address every aspect of your school’s safety—all in one, user-friendly integrated suite.
The state of Texas has allocated funds for implementing school safety requirements. The following programs include purchasing silent panic alert technology.
SAFE Cycle 2 Grant End Date: 8/31/2025
SAFE Cycle 1 Grant End Date: 7/31/2025
$275,024,497 from Cycle 2 was allocated to 1190 school entities for certifying compliance with the adopted school safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rules. School entities that are already in compliance will be able to utilize grant funds for other security measures such as active shooter/emergency response training, threat reporting systems; prevention, identification, and management of emergencies and threats; and more.
$821,575,503 from Cycle 1 was allocated to 554 school entities. Allowable expenses for Cycle 1 include silent panic alert technology, maintenance/service contracts for these systems, comprehensive school safety software systems if the silent panic alert technology is the main component, and more.
School Safety Standards Formula Grant Extended End Date: 4/30/2026
Totaling $400 million, the 2022-2025 School Safety Standards Formula Grant provides funds for LEAs to meet the new school safety standards and other security related costs. The purpose of this project is to first allow LEAs to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rules.
How schools can use these funds
Initially, grant funds may only be expended to meet minimum compliance to implement the new safety standards, which includes Silent Panic Alert Technology.
Minimum Compliance Allowable Expenses | Raptor Compliance |
Purchase and installation of silent panic alert technology. | Raptor Alert silent panic alert technology enables teachers and staff to quickly initiate a response to an emergency from any hard-wired, cellular, or wireless device. Users can initiate an alert directly through 911 and provide critical information to first responders, law enforcement, and campus personnel. Includes a real-time group messaging feature for all users. |
Either solely or in combination with other funds, to purchase comprehensive school safety software systems that include, but not limited to, visitor screening, safety drills, response to emergencies, and reunification but only if the silent panic alert technology is a primary component of the comprehensive system. | The Raptor School Safety Suite ties together the critical aspects of safety throughout your campus, from prevention through recovery, in a cohesive, easy-to-use software suite. The comprehensive system includes: Raptor Visitor Management, Raptor Drill Manager, Raptor Alert, Raptor Reunification . |
Other Allowable Items | Raptor Compliance |
School safety and security training and planning, including active shooter and emergency response training. | The Raptor Compliance & Success Program provides a series of highly intentional professional services for the successful implementation, adoption and usage of Raptor Emergency Management products throughout your district. |
School safety and security training and planning, including the prevention, identification, and management of emergencies and threats, using evidence-based, effective prevention practices. | Raptor StudentSafe brings together the systems that help schools recognize, document, support and manage the wellbeing of individual students. The intuitive and robust platform includes safeguarding and behavioral threat assessment (BTA) methodologies which are proven to help schools recognize a student in need of early intervention and support for their wellbeing. |
Stronger Connections Grant Program End Date: 9/30/2026
Totaling $93,985,252, the FY23 Stronger Connections Grant through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) provides funds for Texas LEAs to provide students with safer learning environments.
Allowable expenses include trauma-informed practices, emergency plan development, site assessments, and more.
Nonprofit Security Grant Program End Date: 2/28/2027
The FY24 Nonprofit Security Grant Program provides up to $150,000 (per eligible applicant) to non-profit organizations throughout Texas for projects that support physical security enhancements and other security activities.
Allowable expenses include planning related to the protection of nonprofit facilities and the people within them, target hardening equipment, physical security enhancements, security-related training courses, programs, and exercises for nonprofit security personnel, and more.
Effective May 5, 2023, Alyssa’s Law (SB 838/HB 669) was passed in Texas. This bill requires school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide silent panic alert technology in classrooms beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.
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