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Students spend critical instructional time in your hallways. SmartPass helps hold students accountable, simplifies classroom management, and provides actionable data to administrators.
Let SmartPass tell you which students are regularly out on a pass at the same time—then get ahead of the problematic encounters before they start. Encounter Prevention can block meetups for besties, vaping, bathroom vandalism, or anything else.
Hall Monitor offers all campus staff a real-time view of where students are going and how much time they have on their pass—with profile pictures for quick identification. Plus, hall monitors or SROs can quickly report students to admin.
Wait in Line is a unique SmartPass feature that helps students stay focused and on-task while waiting for their turn. Students get added to a virtual queue when their classroom and/or destination has reached max capacity.
Missed Class Time is clearer than ever with SmartPass. Get reliable, real-time data that offers clear insights into student behavior. Catching subtle, early signs like missing class can inform your RTI or MTSS framework.
Basic setup choices and admin settings like Max Capacity and No Fly Time will save you and your teachers from hundreds of headaches. Set it up once and watch SmartPass immediately transform your hallways.
With Emergency Mode, any SmartPass admin can discreetly alert all staff of an emergency or lockdown drill and stop new passes from being created. Quickly identify which students are in your hallways and instantly account for them.
Front office staff love the simplicity of locating a student with SmartPass. With bell Schedules and synced class rosters incorporated into Hall Pass, find any student easily—whether they’re in Algebra or on a pass to the nurse.
In-app Analytics data provide insights into your: frequent flyers, daily passes by grade level, popular rooms, overtime passes, and more. Data can be filtered, plus exported and shared as needed.
Whenever students or staff need to scan their badge on campus, they’ll use the same device they already have. No more ink or plastic cards!
ID Cards cannot be lost or stolen
Enable badges for students, staff, or both
Use existing scanning hardware at your school
Upgrade for added features + security
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