Back 2 School: Be familiar with school’s emergency procedures

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GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – Kids in our viewing area are going back to school this week and next. It’s a good time for parents to brush up on the safety procedures at your child’s school in case there’s an emergency.

Pulaski Community School District, for one, posted a newsletter letting parents know the safety protocol for any situation.

Pulaski also has district Safety Weeks. Parents can visit with school district officials and go over protocols and safety drills, including fires, severe weather and lockdowns.

Check with your child’s school district. Be sure to read the emails and handouts you receive in the early days of the school year.

In Pulaski, schools implemented the Raptor Visitor Management System, which is effective now. The goal is to control access to all district buildings to give better protection to students and staff.

The system reads a visitor’s identification, compares it against the sex offender database, and alerts school administrators if there’s a match. If there’s no match, it prints a visitor badge that includes a photo, name, and date and time of the visit.

The newsletter also mentions the state’s Speak Up Speak Out. It’s important to talk with your child about reporting any safety concerns to their teacher or someone they trust, whether it’s bullying or a possible threat.

Pulaski is also finalizing a safety website that will have information in one place for parents.

Other large school districts, like Green Bay and Appleton, also have a site dedicated to their safety protocols.

It’s important to be proactive so your child and you are on the same page and know what to do if there’s an emergency.