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How Technology Supports School Behavioral Threat Assessments

Supporting BTA

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In today’s educational landscape, the safety and wellbeing of students are paramount. Behavioral threat assessments play a crucial role in ensuring that students receive the support and intervention they need. However, many schools grapple with the challenges of maintaining consistency and accuracy in these assessments. This article delves into the importance of streamlining behavioral threat assessments and offers insights into achieving consistency across schools. 

From paper to platform: overcoming the inconsistencies of manual assessments

Reliance on paper-based assessments can lead to several challenges.  

  • Manual data entry is prone to errors 
  • Tracking a student’s behavioral patterns over time becomes cumbersome 
  • Paper records pose a security risk, especially when dealing with sensitive student information 

The landscape of threat assessment protocols varies widely across different schools. Some institutions might have a robust system in place, while others might still be relying on outdated methods. This disparity can lead to potential risks, as inconsistent threat assessment practices might overlook critical warning signs in students. 

“Adopting Raptor for our CSTAG platform was a big game changer for us. We had used different threat assessment tools in the past—including hard copies—but it wasn’t consistent across all of our district. Adopting StudentSafe means BTAs are completed consistently in one platform across the schools.” Liz Margolis, Executive Director of School Safety & District Operations at AAPSD. 

Inconsistencies in the threat assessment process can lead to significant gaps in intervention and support. A student who might be flagged as a concern in one school might go unnoticed in another due to varying assessment processes. 

Modernizing School Threat Assessment Protocols

A standardized protocol ensures that every student, regardless of which school they attend, receives the same level of attention and care. Transitioning to a digital platform offers a myriad of benefits.  

Integrated platforms support schools’ threat assessment processes by: 

  • Helping to capture low-level concerns, allowing for easy documentation and tracking of student behavior 
  • Facilitating quick identification of patterns, which in turn enables timely interventions 
  • Streamlining collaboration as well as the roles of school counselors, administrators, and other staff 
  • Supporting consistent application of threat assessment protocols 
  • Protecting sensitive data with role-based permission provisions and SOC 2 security compliance. 

“With hard copies, there’s always the issue of where do we keep this sensitive information? With
StudentSafe, we can assign the specific access rights that people have. It’s both secure and readily available to the approved personnel,” Liz Margolis, Executive Director of School Safety & District Operations at AAPSD

It starts with a concern

Every student’s wellbeing is crucial. Even minor concerns about a student’s behavior or mental health should be documented. Documenting a student’s behavioral history is invaluable. This chronology offers insights into a student’s unique challenges and needs, enabling schools to provide tailored support. A comprehensive record ensures that interventions are timely and effective. 

Prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of students means modernizing the protocols and tools of threat assessment. By doing so, schools can ensure that every student receives the support they need, fostering a safe and nurturing educational environment.  

Raptor StudentSafe™ can help your district modernize your process. Schedule a demo to learn more. 

Related Resources

Guide to K-12 Student Wellbeing
Strategies to Recognize, Document, and Support Students in Distress

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