Guide to K-12 ESSER Funding

Strategies to Maximize the Reallocated ESSER Funds

ESSER Funding

The New ESSER Funding

The U.S. Government had set aside over $190 billon in stimulus funding for schools in the form of federal COVID-19 relief funds.

Three bills—CARES, CRRSA, and ARP—include the “Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund” (ESSER) target for K-12 school districts.
Now that most districts are open post-pandemic, schools can use these funds to improve the mental wellbeing of individual students as well as school safety measures. These supports can include providing mental health and related services supporting students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs by addressing inequities worsened by the pandemic .

Your Guide to ESSER Funding

We recently updated our guide to help schools utilize ESSER Grants for the safety products they need to keep their school communities safe. The guide covers topics such as:


The New Guidelines on Using ESSER Funding

There has been a shift in requirements, new deadlines for applying and purchasing, and newly proposed legislation that reallocates some of the ESSER funds.
Learn more about how ESSER funds can be used to better address students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs, including by addressing inequities worsened by the pandemic, through activities such as providing mental health and other related services.
The New Guidelines on Using ESSER Funding
Connecting the Dots Early Can Help


Connecting the Dots Early Can Help Combat the Mental Health Crisis

Early intervention is critical when it comes to supporting students’ emotional and mental health. By recognizing emotional and behavioral concerns earlier and intervening at a younger age, schools can often reach students before they require serious and extensive professional help.

Respond to and be prepared for student mental health crises.



Maintaining a Feeling of Safety and Preparedness

According to a report released by Safe and Sound Schools, only 68% of students feel safe at school compared to 87% of educators, which suggests there is more that can be done to help students feel safe. Taking steps to ensure every school in your district is ready to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from any emergency means streamlining school safety drills, preparing for when Mother Nature strikes, and learning the best practices for keeping your staff and students safe.
Maintaining a Feeling of Safety and Preparedness


Partner with Funding and Safety Specialists

When you use ESSER funds strategically, the funds can help districts create safer schools for years to come.

Partnering with Raptor’s safety and funding specialists strengthens your ability to access and strategically maximize your ESSER funds. Our specialists can provide supporting documentation and examples, helping you access the technology you need to address your school safety lifecycle.
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Download the Guide

Read our Guide today to learn strategies to maximize ESSER funds.

Learn best practices and key strategies to keep your school communities safe and how ESSER funds can now be used to purchase critical safety and mental health support software.

New ESSER Funding Guide

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