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School Safety Standards Formula Grant

TX SPAT Aug_Blog

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The state of Texas recently announced the School Safety Standards Formula Grant to implement requirements for school safety to ensure a safe and secure environment in Texas public schools. The purpose of this project is to first allow LEAs to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rules

Deadline: Aug 1, 2023 

How schools can use these funds

Initially, grant funds may only be expended to meet minimum compliance to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rules, which includes Silent Panic Alert Technology. 

Generally, allowable safety standards activities include procurement and installation of: 

  • Fencing,  
  • Exterior doors,  
  • Glass doors not within a secured area,  
  • Ground level exterior windows,  
  • Silent panic alert technologies, and
  • Other required rule components around emergency responder radios, exterior door numbering, and exterior secure master key lock boxes. 

Minimum Compliance Allowable Expenses Related to Silent Panic Alert Technology

  • Purchase and installation of silent panic alert technology
  • Maintenance/service contracts for silent panic alert technology systems.
  • Either solely or in combination with other funds, to purchase comprehensive school safety software systems that include, but not limited to, visitor screening, safety drills, response to emergencies and reunification. 

After certifying they meet minimal compliance with the school safety standards rule, other allowable activities include identifying contracted vendor(s) designated to provide the required work to implement the standards. This includes
vendors that provide the following services:

  • The purchase and maintenance of:  
    • Security cameras or other security equipment, and
    • Technology, including communications systems or devices, that facilitates communication and information sharing between students, school personnel, and first responders in an emergency. 
  • District security, including:  
    • Employing school district peace officers, private security officers, and school marshals; and  
    • Collaborating with local law enforcement agencies, such as entering into a memorandum of understanding for the assignment of school resource officers to schools in the district.
  • School safety and security training and planning, including:
    • Active shooter and emergency response training;
    • Prevention and treatment programs relating to addressing adverse childhood experiences; and
    • The prevention, identification, and management of emergencies and threats, using evidence-based, effective prevention practices and including: 
      • i. Providing licensed counselors, social workers, and individuals trained in restorative discipline and restorative justice practices
      • ii. Providing mental health personnel and support
      • iii. Providing behavioral health services
      • iv. Establishing threat reporting systems; and
      • v. Developing and implementing programs focused on restorative justice practices, culturally relevant instruction, and providing mental health support.  
  • Programs related to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention,
  • Metal Detectors, 
  • Two-way radio systems, and 
  • Electronic door-locking systems. 


In addition to the statutory requirements, TEA has established the following program requirements. The applicant must comply with each of these requirements in the application to be considered for funding:  

  1. The LEA must first expend all its SB500 School Safety and Security Grant (School hardening funds). 
  2. The LEA must expend these grant funds to meet minimum compliance to implement the new safety standards applicable to Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.031 of Commissioner’s Rules. 
  3. The LEA must comply with all intruder detection audit requirements. 

How to Apply

A sample application can be found here. 

  • Check off which expense type
  • Enter the estimated amount of grant funds to be expended for the purchase and installation of security related activities identified in Section A of the PS3013 for meeting minimum compliance with the safety standards rule.
  • Enter the estimated amount of grant funds to be expended for other allowable activities identified in Section C of the PS3013, after meeting minimum compliance with the safety standards rule. 
  • Enter the name(s) of the vendor(s) contracted who have previously completed work to meet minimal compliance with the new school safety standards rule (as applicable). 

Speak with a Raptor funding expert

Raptor’s funding specialists can help you maximize the impact of these funds. Our software was built to help schools manage every stage of safety with an all-in-one, user-friendly suite that empowers you to approve all entrants, manage volunteers, manage the wellbeing of individual students, and confidently respond to and recover from any emergency. Get in touch today. 

Related Resources

Guide to K-12 Student Wellbeing
Strategies to Recognize, Document, and Support Students in Distress

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