This article originally appeared on SC Now. To view the original article, click here.
MARION, S.C. – Marion County School District staff and students return for the new school year. Marion County School Board members voted to adopt a modified year-round school calendar to give families and school staff intercession days throughout the school year.
Officials said new program expansions includes the Academy for Careers and Technology’s Firefighter course for high school students along with Dual Credit Machine Tooling Program, Medical Terminology Program, and Early Childhood Courses all offered through Florence Darlington Technical College.
Additional school safety and security measures maintains a full-time school resource officer while school front offices are equipped with the Raptor Visitor Management System requiring photo ID from all visitors, instantly screening visitors and controlling access to the building.
Schools have spent the summer revising emergency management plans, updating school response teams, and threat assessment teams, and ensuring all school safety and security equipment in the buildings are working properly. There have been internal and external security checks conducted throughout the summer that will continue throughout the school year. The district also uses the “See Something, Say Something” online reporting tool where any student, parent, or community member may report bullying, suspicious, or concerning activity anonymously from the district webpage using cell phones, laptops, or any digital device.
Additional supplies are also reaching the school district. Creek Bridge STEM Academy was awarded $14,000 in grant funds to use for STEM and Project Lead the Way through the Original Six Foundation as an after-school site location. The Johnakin Middle School Beta Club members return to school after representing Marion County School District at the National Convention and returned home as convention winners following their showing in Myrtles Beach and Nashville, TN.